August, 2024

Change log

August has been a productive month for us here working on OneTruck. Most of our efforts this month have been focused on improving the existing features and improving the access and structure of our guides and tutorial section.

Our focus on the guides and tutorials is part of our commitment to providing a better onboarding experience for our users, both for trucking companies and transport companies with a mixed fleet.

The following are the changes and improvements made in the month of August 2024


  • The biggest change this month is the migration of the guides, tutorials, and our terms and policies from a subdomain to the main OneTruck domain with an improved layout, accessibility, performance, and internationalization. The old subdomain will remain active until we are confident that our existing and new users have migrated to the new website. The new guides and tutorials are accessible at
  • The top toolbar of the order detail page has been tidied up and some of the buttons (including the delete) have been moved to a drop-down menu in the toolbar.

New features

  • We have completely redesigned the change log section of the orders and they are now accessible on the order detail page. On large screens, the change log will open as the third column on the right while on mobile, the new change log will appear as a full-screen page.
  • We have introduced the initial integrations for Shell and Samsara for select customers. The integrations are not publicly available yet but are in active development and will roll out to all our users in the coming months.


  • A bug that prevented some of the modal forms from opening has been fixed.
  • A bug that prevented the opened order from going back to view after the page reload has been fixed.


  • We have started using the power of generative AI models to improve the quality and consistency of our guides and tutorials across different languages.
  • Fleet and Rider apps on Android have received a periodic update.
  • We improved some of the localizations and compliance management for the US.
  • The responsiveness of the entire platform has been improved for mobile and tablet devices.
  • The behavior of toggling the main permission of different sections of the app has been improved. After switching off the main permission, the rest of the related permissions are also turned off automatically.
  • Improved the overall performance and initial loading time.

# The mentioned price is subject to change without prior notice to the public and one (1) month of notice to the existing users.

° OneTruck considers a vehicle to be active when it has planning of at least 2 services or 12 hours of driving (whichever is lowest) in a single calendar month.

† OneTruck has attributed to the increased productivity of our clients. The measurement of a 4-fold of increase in productivity is based on the experience of select clients when compared to using Excel as the primary source of data management for a trucking company. Your experience and change in productivity may vary. Vieolo OÜ and do not assume and guarantee any specific increase in productivity for any client.

- The figures and drawings on this page are created for informative and artistic purposes and do not represent the final product. The look and feel of the final product at the time of usage might differ.