Privacy policy

We do not collect any information without your permission. Almost all of the data we collect are actively entered by you or other members of your organization.

You may connect your OneTruck account to other third party services. In such cases, we may collect/share data with third parties. These third parties are selected and connected by you and you can remove these connections at any time.

We do not sell or share any data related to your personal account or business with any third party. We might, however, use your data anonymously to maintain, develop and improve different features of our service.

We do not use any tracking and analytic service such as Google analytics. We may, however, analyze your IP or your location (only city and the county) for security purposes.

Your data is stored and processed in the EU (between Germany and the Netherlands).

We use cookies on this website to provide basic and necessary features. These cookies are not meant to track your activities, collect information, or show you any advertisements.