Add your first order
At this point, you have added all the information you need.
Adding, editing, and reviewing orders are the most common tasks that trucking companies complete on a daily basis. Here, we only cover the basics to get you started. Please review this page for more in-depth explanations about the management of orders.
While saving a new order, OneTruck will make sure that a truck, trailer, or driver is not planned on more than one order at a given time.
To open the `Orders` section, open the drawer menu by clicking on the menu icon
on your screen`s top-left corner and selecting the `Orders` section.
If you are not an admin user and don't see the "Orders" section, you don't have permission to access this section.
The 'orders' page shows you all the orders on a weekly basis. To add a new order, click on the 'Add' button in your screen's top-right corner.
You can add a order on any given day regardless of the week of the 'orders' page. You don't need to navigate to a certain week or day to add a order.
OneTruck allows you to add orders in multiple different ways. Here, for educational purposes, we add an order manually. However, there are other easier and faster ways to accomplish this task.
At the top, you have to select the date of the order. The actual start and end of the rides do not necessarily need to be within this day but this date is used for billing purposes.

Below the date, you have 4 dropdowns to select the related customer, truck, driver, and trailer. The customer is required for every order. However, for the truck, driver, and trailer, you can either select an existing entry or add a custom value.

The “custom” values are meant for cases where the truck, driver, or trailer (or all of them) are not part of your organization. The most common use-case of these custom values is the use of trailers provided by other organizations.
When you select a driver for a order, the duration of the order (minus the pause) is automatically calculated against the driver's working hours.
Please note that when you enter a custom driver (even if the name is the same as one of your drivers), the duration of the order won't be counted against their monthly salary.

Please note that when you enter a custom driver (even if the name is the same as one of your drivers), the duration of the order won't be counted against their monthly salary.
Now let's jump directly to the structure of the orders and add a very simple order.
Each order has to have at least one ride. The ride contains the detail of the driving duration and route of the order. To add a new ride, scroll to the bottom of the page, and click on the “Add a ride” button.
Each ride has a start and an end which is used to calculate the revenue of the order and the working hours of the associated driver. For the start time, enter 10:00 and for the end time, enter 13:00. So, the order that you are about to add, will have 3 hours of work and the same time will be counted for the driver as well.
Each ride, also, requires a order number and a reference. The order number is the value that the driver uses to complete the ride and the reference number is the value that is used in the billing process. Please add two random values here.
So far, we have a order that has a start and an ending. Now, we enter the stops for the ride.
Each ride can have an unlimited number of stops that indicate the tasks (load, unload, etc,) to be completed at a given time and location. These stops will be visible to the driver to complete the order and won't have any effect on the billing or the driver's working hours.
To add a stop, click on the “Add a stop” button. The newly added stop requires a start, end, stop type, and address. Please add two stops. The first stop is to load at 10:00 and the second to unload at 13:00. Please add a random address.
To add a stop, click on the “Add a stop” button. The newly added stop requires a start, end, stop type, and address. Please add two stops. The first stop is to load at 10:00 and the second to unload at 13:00. Please add a random address.
Please note that the country of the address has to be entered as a two-letter code of the country. For example, instead of “Netherlands”, you need to enter “NL”. This two-letter code will prevent any confusion regarding the different spelling of the country names in different languages.

Once all the necessary fields are filled, click on the “Save” button at the bottom of the page. If all the data is entered correctly, you will be redirected to the 'orders' pages.
With the addition of the new order, the page is split into two columns. The left column displays a list of the entered orders and the right column displays the details of the newly added orders.
At the top of the right column, there is a button with the <img src='/static/landing/guide/download.svg' height={20} alt='' /> icon. By clicking this button, you will download an assignment PDF file, containing the details of the order that can be sent to the driver to complete the order. This file is generated every time with the newest version of data and you can download the file as many times as you wish.